Mayad Boracay: Marcia and Oliver “Whirlwind Summer”
Directed by : Kristopher “King” Caldera
Most people believe that love should never be complicated. To some it may be a whirlwind summer romance just like our next couple to be featured, Marcia and Oliver. Gathering all of their loved ones, they managed to have an easy breezy wedding that would stick to their minds and hearts for the rest of their lives. Read more about how everything fell into place through the words of the couple themselves.
–Taken from their wedsite —
“In a deep and dark hollow in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Oliver was throwing his 25th birthday party. The place, Home Sweet Home, packed a heavy, sweaty crowd. True to form, and especially since it was his birthday, Oliver had drank one too many shots of whiskey and eyes red, words slurring, he exclaimed: “Marcia! You’re Marcia. I’ve heard a lot about you! Shottttts!”
Four months later, Oliver and Marcia would meet again. This time, however, under more civil circumstances. In conversation, which lasted through the evening, both realized their mutual love of music and concerts. What would ensue thereafter would be a sweet and thoughtful courtship, one that would blossom over a summer soundtrack mixed with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Phoenix, The XX, until finally their first date, dinner at Flea Market Cafe and surprise tickets to Hercules and Love Affair.
It was a whirlwind summer.
In their own words…
From Marcia: Oliver was fun and funny, sweet and charming – I really didn’t know what was about to hit me. This is the guy that would walk ten blocks over lunch break – in the heat – to deliver my favorite, a Strawberry Surfrider from Jamba Juice, which, by the way, earned him the nickname “Jamba Juice” from my co-workers.
From Oliver: I was always intrigued by this Marcia character that our mutual friend Carla would always talk to me about. She seemed cool, and someone I would genuinely get along with. I put my stalking skills to use – which left me dumbfounded as I continuously fell into the black hole that is the “Marcia VS Maria” debate. I couldn’t find this “Marcia” girl online, but I would find myself hanging around this “Maria” girl’s Facebook page every now and then. After finally hanging out a couple of times, my interest had paid off as “Maria” did end up to be “Marcia” and she WAS as cool and interesting and beautiful as I had thought her to be.
Spending more and more time together, they realized that beyond the initial attraction, there was a connection much deeper. As the summer came to an to end, their affection only became stronger until one, ordinary evening Marcia shyly asked Oliver: “So, should we make this, you know, a thing?” And, with a nod from Oliver, just like that, they did. ”